Binding and validate

Hertz uses the open source library go-tagexpr for parameter binding and validation. The following describes the usage of parameter binding and parameter validation.


func main() {
	r := server.New()

    r.GET("/hello", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
        // Parameter binding needs to be used with a specific go tag
		type Test struct {
            A string `query:"a" vd:"$!='Hertz'"`

        // BindAndValidate
        var req Test
        err := ctx.BindAndValidate(&req)


	    // Bind
        req = Test{}
        err = ctx.Bind(&req)


        // Validate, need to use "vd" tag
        err = ctx.Validate(&req)


Supported tags and parameter binding priorities

Supported tags

go tag description
path This tag is used to bind parameters on url like {:param} or {*param}. For example: if we defined route is: /v:version/example, you can specify the path parameter as the route parameter: path:"version". In this case if url is , you can bind the path parameter “1”.
form This tag is used to bind the key-value of the form in request body which content-type is multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded
query This tag is used to bind query parameter in request
header This tag is used to bind header parameters in request
json This tag is used to bind json parameters in the request body which content-type is application/json
raw_body This tag is used to bind the original body (bytes type) of the request, and parameters can be bound even if the bound field name is not specified. (Note: raw_body has the lowest binding priority. When multiple tags are specified, once other tags successfully bind parameters, the body content will not be bound)
vd vd short for validator, The grammar of validation parameter

Parameter binding precedence

path > form > query > cookie > header > json > raw_body

Note: If the request content-type is application/json, json unmarshal processing will be done by default before parameter binding

Required parameter

You can specify a parameter as required with keyword required in tag. Both Bind and BindAndValidate returns error when a required parameter is missing. When multiple tags contain therequired keyword, parameter with be bound in order of precedence defined above. If none of the tags bind, an error will be returned.

type TagRequiredReq struct {
	// when field hertz is missing in JSON, a required error will be return: binding: expr_path=hertz, cause=missing required parameter
	Hertz string `json:"hertz,required"`
	// when field hertz is missing in both query and JSON, a required error will be return: binding: expr_path=hertz, cause=missing required parameter
	Kitex string `query:"kitex,required" json:"kitex,required" `

Common uses

Customize the error of binding and validation

When an error occurs in the binding parameter and the parameter validation fails, user can customize the Error(demo)For example:

// Error implements error interface.
func (e *BindError) Error() string {
   if e.Msg != "" {
      return e.ErrType + ": expr_path=" + e.FailField + ", cause=" + e.Msg
   return e.ErrType + ": expr_path=" + e.FailField + ", cause=invalid"

type ValidateError struct {
   ErrType, FailField, Msg string

// Error implements error interface.
func (e *ValidateError) Error() string {
   if e.Msg != "" {
      return e.ErrType + ": expr_path=" + e.FailField + ", cause=" + e.Msg
   return e.ErrType + ": expr_path=" + e.FailField + ", cause=invalid"

func init() {
    CustomBindErrFunc := func(failField, msg string) error {
       err := BindError{
          ErrType:   "bindErr",
          FailField: "[bindFailField]: " + failField,
          Msg:       "[bindErrMsg]: " + msg,

       return &err

    CustomValidateErrFunc := func(failField, msg string) error {
       err := ValidateError{
          ErrType:   "validateErr",
          FailField: "[validateFailField]: " + failField,
          Msg:       "[validateErrMsg]: " + msg,

       return &err

    binding.SetErrorFactory(CustomBindErrFunc, CustomValidateErrFunc)

Customize type resolution

In parameter binding, all request parameters to string or []string by default. When some field types are non-basic types or cannot be converted directly through string, you can customize type resolution(demo). For example:

import ""

type Nested struct {
   B string
   C string

type TestBind struct {
   A Nested `query:"a,required"`

func init() {
   binding.MustRegTypeUnmarshal(reflect.TypeOf(Nested{}), func(v string, emptyAsZero bool) (reflect.Value, error) {
      if v == "" && emptyAsZero {
         return reflect.ValueOf(Nested{}), nil
      val := Nested{
         B: v[:5],
         C: v[5:],
      return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil

Customize the validation function

You can implement complex validation logic in the vd tag by registering a custom validation function(demo),For example:

import ""

func init() {
    binding.MustRegValidateFunc("test", func(args ...interface{}) error {
       if len(args) != 1 {
          return fmt.Errorf("the args must be one")
       s, _ := args[0].(string)
       if s == "123" {
          return fmt.Errorf("the args can not be 123")
       return nil

Configure “looseZero”

In some cases, the information sent from the front end is only the key but value empty, which causes cause=parameter type does not match binding data when binding a numeric type. At this time, you need to configure looseZero mode (demo). For example:

import ""

func init() {
    // Default false, take effect globally

Configure other json unmarshal libraries

When binding parameters, if the request body is json, a json unmarshal will be performed. If users need to use other json libraries (hertz uses the open source json library sonic by default), they can configure it themselves. For example:

import ""

func init() {
    // use the standard library

    // use gjson

    // use other json unmarshal methods

Set default values

The parameter supports the default tag to configure the default value. For example:

// generate code
type UserInfoResponse struct {
   NickName string `default:"Hertz" json:"NickName" query:"nickname"`

Bind files

Parameter binding supports binding files. For example:

// content-type: multipart/form-data
type FileParas struct {
   F   *multipart.FileHeader `form:"F1"`

h.POST("/upload", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
   var req FileParas
   err := binding.BindAndValidate(c, &req)

Analysis of common problems

1. string to int error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field xxx of type intxx

Reason: string and int conversion is not supported by default


  • We are recommended to use the string tag of the standard package json. For example:

    A int `json:"A, string"`
  • Configure other json libraries that support this operation.

Last modified August 7, 2023 : fix: fix wrong link for shmipc (#755) (0ea6afd)