SSE is short for Server-Sent Events, which is a server push technology that allows the server to send events to clients through simple HTTP responses.

Hertz’s implementation can be found here.


go get

Example Code

In the following example code, when accessing /sse, the server will push a timestamp to the client every second.

package main

import (

func main() {
	h := server.Default()
	h.GET("/sse", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
		lastEventID := sse.GetLastEventID(c)
        // The client can inform the server of the last event received through Last-Event-ID.
        hlog.CtxInfof(ctx, "last event ID: %s", lastEventID)
        // You must set status code and response headers before calling Render for first time.
        s := sse.NewStream(c)
		for t := range time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second).C {
			event := &sse.Event{
				Event: "timestamp",
				Data:  []byte(t.Format(time.RFC3339)),
			err := s.Publish(event)
			if err != nil {



NewStream is used to create a stream for sending events. By default, Content-Type is set as text/event-stream (it’s better not to modify the Content-Type). Cache-Control is set as no-cache.

If there are any proxies between server and client, it’s recommended to set the response header of X-Accel-Buffering as no.

Function signature:

func NewStream(c *app.RequestContext) *Stream

Example code:

package main

func main() {
    h := server.Default()
    h.GET("/sse", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
        c.Response.Header.Set("X-Accel-Buffering", "no")
        s := sse.NewStream(c)
		// ...


Publish is used to send an event message to the client. The format of the event message should be as follows:

type Event struct {
	// Name of this event.
	Event string
	// Data associated with this event.
	Data []byte
	// ID number assigned by Server Sent Events protocol.
	ID string
	// Retry duration time specified in milliseconds; if present then browser will attempt reconnect after that many milliseconds have elapsed since last message received from server.
	Retry time.Duration 

Function signature:

func (c *Stream) Publish(event *Event) error 


GetLastEventID retrieves the ID number of last received SSE message from client. If no SSE messages were sent yet returns empty string.

Function signature:

func GetLastEventID(c *app.RequestContext) string

Last modified August 7, 2023 : fix: fix wrong link for shmipc (#755) (0ea6afd)